Summer is officially here, and although the sun is never guaranteed in a British summer, we can still fill our gardens with planting inspired by the Mediterranean region. Centred around the joy of long summer days and thoughts of the Mediterranean’s blue sea and sky, our new Feel Good Garden launched for the summer months ahead evokes the senses and feelings of wellbeing – it will feel like you are on holiday!
If you provide a sunny, well-drained location many Mediterranean favourites will thrive in our corner of England.
Jon, our Horticultural Manager, has carefully selected a range of shrubs and plants which not only look naturally beautiful together, varieties that are drought-tolerant and others that are pollinator magnets, for gathering bees, butterflies and wildlife, so a great combination of planting.
The Feel Good Gardens can be viewed at The Gardener’s Garden Centre, Wych Cross and Potted Garden.
Plants you will need…
1. Chamaerops humilis ‘Compacta’
A dwarf hardy fan palm with luscious greenery.
2. Stachys byzantina ‘Big Ears’
A mat forming drought-tolerant evergreen perennial with furry silver leaves and purple flowers.
3. Eryngium zabelii ‘Big Blue’
A pollinator friendly perennial with steel-blue blooms tightly packed into egg-shaped heads with spiky, silvery-green foliage.
4. Geranium ‘Rozanne’
Nectar rich saucer-shaped deep purple flowers with marbled mid-green leaves.
5. Allium ‘Millennium’
A butterfly magnet perennial with large, rounded umbels tightly packed with bright purple flowers.
6. Nepeta grandiflora ‘Summer Magic’
A compact, sturdy perennial with aromatic grey foliage and abundant lavender flowers.
7. Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna’
A drought-tolerant pollinator friendly perennial with deep purple flowers.
8. Achillea ptarmica ‘The Pearl’ or ‘Peter Cottontail’
A drought-tolerant perennial with elegant sprays of pure white, semi-double pom pom flowers.
9. Erigeron ‘Lavender Lady’
A drought-tolerant carpet forming perennial with lavender coloured flowers and dainty foliage.
10. Pittosporum tobira ‘Nanum’
Compact structural evergreen foliage shrub with scented white flowers.
11. Lavandula stoechas ‘Anouk’
Quintessential and beautiful French Lavender, wildly aromatic.
12. Olea europea
Real flavour of the Mediterranean in this Olive Tree, responsibly sourced and will grow happily in south east England.
To shop the Mediterranean Garden Plants, please click here
Bizzotto Erice Bistro Set
Oreya & Cretan Range of Pots
The new Feel Good Garden is centred around celebrating the joy of long summer days and thoughts of the Mediterranean’s blue sea and sky. Launched ready for the summer months ahead, it evokes the senses and feelings of wellbeing – it will feel like you are on holiday!
The Feel Good Gardens can be viewed at The Gardener’s Garden Centre, Wych Cross and Potted Garden, please look out for the Feel Good Garden signage.