Sustainable Environment
Sustainable Environment
We support alternatives to single use plastics
Consumption & Conservation
Consumption & Conservation
We harvest rainwater from our on-site reservoirs
Reduced Carbon Footprint
Reduced Carbon Footprint
With 80% of bedding plants grown onsite
Composting & Recycling
Composting & Recycling
We recycle over 90% of our on-site waste

Plant of the Month - Echinacea

Easy-Going Echinacea

Echinacea purpurea create an impressive display of daisy-like blooms with their incredibly vibrant petals radiating around a central cone, giving them their common name ‘coneflower’. Always a popular addition to plant in beds, borders and even pots because of their easy-going habits.

  • Available in vibrant shades of pink, orange, yellow, red and green but mostly known for the purple shades
  • Long flowering period from June through to September
  • Extremely attractive to bees, butterflies and birds
  • Very easy to grow as they tolerate most soils in a sunny position (except very dry)
  • Their stems are very sturdy meaning they won’t need staking
  • Excellent as cut or dried flowers

Pictured above: Echinacea Sunseekers ‘In Tanz Red’ | Echinacea ‘Delicious Candy’ | Echinacea ‘Sombrero Lemon Yellow’ | Echinacea purpurea ‘Magnus’ 


Click here to shop our range of Echinacea and herbaceous perennial plants online