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Sustainable Environment
We support alternatives to single use plastics
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Consumption & Conservation
We harvest rainwater from our on-site reservoirs
Reduced Carbon Footprint
Reduced Carbon Footprint
With 80% of bedding plants grown onsite
Composting & Recycling
Composting & Recycling
We recycle over 90% of our on-site waste

Suttons Veg Lettuce Little Gem Cos

Product Code: 178688
  • .Hardiness:0 degrees
  • Resistance to Disease:
  • Vegetables recommended by the NIAB:
15 available
Lettuce Little Gem is the perfect Cos Lettuce - it's quick to mature, dwarf and compact and produces crisp, sweet, medium-sized hearts. It's also resistant to root aphid making it simple to grow. Suited to sowing March-July outdoors, and also good under cloches. A distinct and most valuable cos lettuce. Dwarf and compact in growth and a beautiful colour. The solid hearts, which stand for a considerable time before running to seed, are highly esteemed by those who prefer a small, crisp lettuce.