Sustainable Environment
Sustainable Environment
We support alternatives to single use plastics
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Consumption & Conservation
We harvest rainwater from our on-site reservoirs
Reduced Carbon Footprint
Reduced Carbon Footprint
With 80% of bedding plants grown onsite
Composting & Recycling
Composting & Recycling
We recycle over 90% of our on-site waste

Sansevieria trifasciata 'Black Diamond' (9cm Pot)

Product Code: 326959
  • The Dracaena genus are still the most popular house plants just as they were back in the 70s, and with good reason - they thrive off of neglect and will take whatever you throw at them. This species is dark with rich tones of deep green and subtle yellow edging.
  • This plant has air purifying benefits, it filters toxins and improves the quality of air in our homes. Houseplants have also been known to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Light: Bright, indirect light, shade-tolerant.
  • Watering: Throughout the year allow soil to dry out 90%. Thrives off neglect. Soil: Enjoys moist well drained soil with composted organics and some drainage material.
  • Humidity: Suited to fairly dry air, typically because it evolved in an arid climate.
  • Feed: Use a houseplant fertiliser 2-3 times a year. Additional care advice: Repot every 3 years or alternatively replace the top 10cm of the soil with fresh house plant compost every 2 years.
4 available