Sustainable Environment
Sustainable Environment
We support alternatives to single use plastics
Consumption & Conservation
Consumption & Conservation
We harvest rainwater from our on-site reservoirs
Reduced Carbon Footprint
Reduced Carbon Footprint
With 80% of bedding plants grown onsite
Composting & Recycling
Composting & Recycling
We recycle over 90% of our on-site waste

Philodendron Shangri-La' (17cm Pot)

Product Code: 309001
  • Common Name: Sweetheart Plant
  • A super easy-going, fuss-free plant with glossy leaves that transform any space into a tropical paradise
  • Sold in a 17cm nursery pot
  • Light: It can handle anything from bright light to shade, but keep it away from direct sun
  • Water: Allow the top 3cm of its soil to dry between waterings
  • Temperature: Room temperatures of 16-24°C are perfect
  • Care advice: It can develop root rot if you water it too much or leave it sitting in water
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