Hakonechloa macra 2L
Product Code: 242812
EBIRD25 OL All Ornamental Grasses 2/3L From £13.99 (Now £7.99)
- Details: H. macra is a perennial grass producing mounds of bright green leaves topped by airy sprays of green flowers in mid- to late summer. The leaves develop red-brown tints in autumn and persist into winter
- Characteristics: Foliage: Deciduous: Habit: Tufted: Hardiness: H7 - Hardy in the severest European continental climates (< -20)
- Sunlight: Full Shade or Full Sun or Partial Shade: Exposure: Exposed or Sheltered: Aspect: West-facing or South-facing or North-facing or East-facing
- Soil: Moisture: Moist but well-drained: Soil Type: Chalk, Clay, Loam, Sand
- Size: Ultimate height: 0.1-0.5 metres: Ultimate spread: 0.1-0.5 metres: Time to ultimate height: 2-5 years
- Suggested planting locations and garden types: Cottage & Informal Garden Patio & Container Plants City & Courtyard Gardens
Hakonechloa is a deciduous perennial grass forming a compact tuft of arching stems bearing linear leaves, with arching, red tinged flower panicles in late summer and autumn. Moist but well drained soil in sun or shade